Killing Room Premiere
This was quite an experience! We set the film Killing Room before a live audience at 10.00am on Sunday 17th June with around 100 invited and a total 130 seats in the auditorium. I arrived just before half nine and …
This was quite an experience! We set the film Killing Room before a live audience at 10.00am on Sunday 17th June with around 100 invited and a total 130 seats in the auditorium. I arrived just before half nine and …
I never get the time to watch television. With a sky box booked up with Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, still to watch on DVD I’ve got Tin Man (from a couple of Christmas’ ago), The Pacific, Dexter …
Killing Room the short film will premiere at St Helens Cineworld Cinema at 10.00am, Sunday 17th June 2012 before a live audience.
This will detail my things of interest that came to light during my writing. Running for Green Recently converted the first three chapters from Running for Green, a teenage science fiction novel about a girl in a survivor’s city …